What should you do if training loss does not decrease? (part 1)

I was working on a time-series classification problem for my PhD thesis a few of months ago. I was experimenting with a decoder-less transformer, similart to BERT. The problem was that no matter what I did, the training loss would not decrease. I worked on this problem for almost 5 weeks. At first, I focused on fine-tuning hyper-parameters. My first thought was that the issue was the learning rate. I performed a lot of study on learning rate choices and the well-known learning rate schedulers. I was thinking that I was using an incorrect learning rate, which resulted in either skipping or failing to achieve the minima. As shown in the image below:

lr-types.png source: http://www.bdhammel.com/learning-rates/

I experimented with all of the learning rate schedulers. I tried almost all of the schedulers in this kaggle link. Training loss was not decreasing no matter what. I was upset since my paper submission date had passed. I attempted so many techniques that I may detail them in another post, but for now, I’ll just focus on the solution. I had these two lines somewhere in my pre-processing code:

X_train = shuffle_along_first_axis(X_train)
y_train = shuffle_along_first_axis(y_train)

where shuffle_along_first_axis is defined as:

def shuffle_along_first_axis(arr: np.ndarray):
    arr_len = arr.shape[0]
    shuffled_indices = np.random.permutation(arr_len)
    return arr[shuffled_indices]

I guess you can see my error by looking at these two blocks of code. I was shuffling X and y arrays independently. As a result, the labels no longer correlate to the associated input. This critical (and dumb) error cost me nearly two months of my life. I discovered this mistake by overfitting the network with only a few samples. However, as I increased the number of samples to more than ten, the training loss stopped to decrease. So I discovered that something is wrong with my data. The problem was resolved when I removed these two lines of code, and then the network began to learn. I hope this advice will be useful to you and will help you to save some time.


Always double-check your shuffling code to ensure that X and y are shuffled together.

Written on November 15, 2022